Eau Claire County
Sue McDonald
721 Oxford Avenue
Eau Claire WI 54703
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 715-839-4803
Fax: 715-831-5802
General Office Duties: Issue marriage licenses, oversee elections, election programming, record keeping, clerk to the County Board, issue timber cutting permits, tax deed management.
Office consists of 1 half-time and 3 full-time employees
County Information
Eau Claire County is a great recreational destination with numerous county and city parks, trails and lots of local events to attend. The city of Eau Claire and immediate surrounding municipalities make up the majority of the county’s population with the rest of the county being rural farms and forest land.
County Population: 103159
Cities: 3
Towns: 13
Villages: 2