Douglas County
Kaci Lundgren
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 715-395-1568
Fax: 715-395-1421
Provides secretarial and clerk services to County Board, keeps official minutes and records of board and committees, maintains county ordinance book and all other duties required by law or by the board in connection with its meetings and transactions; County-wide election administration, including preparation and distribution of county-wide ballots, publishing of election notices, tallying of ballots on election night & canvassing of the final results of all federal, state, county and judicial elections within the county, certifying the results to the state, and also maintaining the Statewide Voter Registration System for 21 municipalities in Douglas County; Maintains inventory of county-owned land and is in charge of all land sales; issues marriage licenses; Is a passport acceptance agent; Maintains and updates the county web site; Supervises Central Supply, which processes office supply purchase orders and provides photocopying and postage metering services to all county departments.